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Fund Raiser
Fund Raiser
$ 0.00

Fundraising Chair

I have created a new product for raising money for Catholic schools, and hope you will agree to consider my proposal. Before I jump in, let me give you a little history on why catholic schools should consider using my product for a fundraiser.

When my older children were in school, it didn't matter whether it was public or catholic, the fund raisers were either candy bars, trash bags, or other consumable item. These are all OK, however I didn't need ten candy bars to add inches to my already growing waistline and neither did my wife. I must admit we could always use trash bags, but we could get them cheaper somewhere else. I often wondered "Why can't a catholic school sell something catholic to raise money?" Then I realized I had never seen a product for this, and I continued supporting the schools by purchasing the candies and trash bags.

Now I have come up with an affordable product that most Catholics and many non Catholics would be happy to display. The product is a miniature shrine to hold a five to seven inch high statue. (The statue must be one the family already owns or purchased separately) These shrines are handmade in Shawnee KS at Joseph and Mary's Carpentry Shop; I'm Joseph and my wife is Mary. The material used is cedar so it is attractive enough to be displayed on the wall of an interior room, or will weather the elements on the exterior of the house.

Now for my proposal; I tried to make it simple and affordable. I will make and deliver one shrine for each of your students to sell (no upfront cost), allowing them an agreed upon time frame, usually a two week period. The selling price of the shrine is sixteen dollars plus shipping cost. At the end of the two weeks unsold shrines need to be returned along with the money from the ones you sold andI will write the school out a check in the amount of five dollars for each shrine sold. I will also take care of all the sales tax where applicable, so you don't have too.

As an added incentive, if your students sell 200 shrines we will donate a set of the Stations of the Cross to be displayed in the halls of your school. A set of our Stations of the Cross recently sold for $400.00 at a charity auction. The stations will remind the students, staff, and public on a daily basis of the Passion of Christ.

These shrines are not factory produced in another country. They are hand made and only a limited number are available for the school fund raisers at this time. You will not see them in a store, so it is a unique Catholic item to sell. I would be more than happy to send one to your group and explain the program in more detail. This is a ministry my family has started to help others show the faith, and I hope to have a full line of fund raising products so a new item can be sold each year.

I truly believe each family will purchase a shrine without hesitation , and your school will have a very successful fund raiser with this unique product. You have nothing to lose. Please contact us soon.

Shipping cost will vary by locaton and is additionaal.

Joseph G. & Mary K. Keehn

(913) 631-7217